
Beautifully illustrated black and white Primary French Workbook – School Life: featuring 6 differentiated worksheets (18 tasks in all); listening power point show activity, and answer guide.

SKU: 9781803331324 Category:


This essential French workbook bursts with activities for children in the 7+ age range. Ideal for busy parents and teachers who want to teach French, and who are looking for a quality resource to help them.

School Life themes present in manageable learning objectives, which plot progression through the topic:

  1. To understand some instructions.
  2. To tell time on the hour;
  3. To answer the register;
  4. To identify classroom items;
  5. To use numbers with classroom items;
  6. To write about your class.

Worksheets contain not just one plain activity but three varied differentiated tasks, which increase in difficulty as children work their way down the page. Word banks and gap-filling activities, scaffold phrases and sentences and provide children with reference points that promote writing. There is also a UK and a US spelling version of the workbook, so children can use the English spelling that is right for them. Last, but not least, children can feedback how they are getting along through the smiley face evaluation sheet.

Listening adds variety so children can show off what they can do. The essential French workbook also features a comprehensive Workbook Guide with answers, grammar notes and a vocabulary.

Finally, our native editors proofread all our language materials, making our resources a trustworthy source for your learning environment.

Why not also buy the accompanying Level 1, Essential, French, School Life Unit, with a PowerPoint Show for every objective in the workbook? It has even more fun interactive activities, native speaker sound files, a song, raps, story and step by step practical lesson plans?


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